How to use, and benefits of Swedish Bitters - Schwedenbitter

How to use, and benefits of Swedish Bitters - Schwedenbitter

It is recommended that each individual take a teaspoon of Swedish Bitters 2 - 3 times daily mixed with a glass of tea, juice or water to prevent many ailments. Swedish Bitters can be used as a treatment for a long list of illnesses including skin irritation, aches, pneumonia, jaundice, bruises, skin problems, wounds, circulatory insufficiency, digestive complaints, sluggish digestion, insomnia, sprains, joint inflammation and many more.


  • Skin to be treated should first be carefully greased with something like marigold or calendula ointment, so that there will be no irritation to the skin from using Swedish Bitters.
  • Soak a cotton ball in Swedish Bitters and apply it to the area that needs a treatment. Dispose used cotton piece after each application, to avoid the contamination.
  • The cotton ball soaked in Swedish Bitters can be left applied on the treated skin area for 2 - 4 hours or even for all night, depending on the symptoms, by securing it with a gauze bandage over the wound. If your skin is very sensitive and irritable, leave cotton ball on the treated area of the skin for shorter period of time. Do NOT forget to apply ointment to the skin. After removing the cotton ball, let the skin air dry.
  • You can also use Swedish Bitters to alleviate all kinds of inflammations. Apply the Swedish Bitters mixture to the affected areas such as pimples, wounds, bruises and contusions.
  • If you are suffering from a sinus infection , apply and rub Swedish Bitters onto your forehead and over the bridge of your nose several times a day. The essential oils in the combination of herbs can help kill the bacteria causing the infection; it can also help to thin the mucus clogging the sinuses to aid drainage.
  • If you have hemorrhoids, apply diluted Swedish Bitters several times a day to the effected areas. Before bedtime, soak a cotton ball in a mixture of water with the Swedish Bitters elixir and secure it on the effected areas with hemorrhoids. It is also helpful to take 1 tsp. of the Swedish Bitters blend at night before going to bed.
  • If you suffer from tonsillitis, use the germicidal properties of Swedish Bitters to fight infections. Mix 1 tsp. of Swedish Bitters elixir with warm water and gargle twice a day.

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  • If you need to improve your digestion or ease stomach cramps or constipation, take 2 tablespoons of Swedish Bitters in the morning and evening before meals. Do not take more then 2 - 3 tablespoons of a Swedish Bitters a day.
  • The 2 - 3 tablespoons of Swedish Bitters a day may be taken as follows: take 1 tablespoon diluted with water, 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after a meal.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of Swedish Bitters with water or herbal tea to benefit from its blood-purifying and soothing properties and to treat skin problems, gastric bloating, gall bladder diseases and heartburn.

Please Note: The aloe in Swedish Bitters can act like a laxative. Pregnant women should also avoid using Swedish Bitters because it can cause uterine contractions.


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