Compare Price, Volume and number of Ingredients used in SWEDISH BITTERS.

Compare Price, Volume and number of Ingredients used in SWEDISH BITTERS.

Swedish Bitters price, volume and number of ingredients used in a mix.

There are several makers of Swedish Bitters on a market today. When looking for Swedish Bitters please pay close attention what you are buying as although name is the same, number of ingredients used are different.

It is said that Swedish Bitters originally was formulated and found by Dr. Samst. Original Swedish Bitters mix consisted of 22 herbs. Some of the herbs are cheap and available the whole year, and some of them are very expensive and difficult to find because of the small crop amount and sometimes inferior quality.

For this reason and to enhance the profits some merchants and pharmacists started to create a product which consists only of about 11 cheaply and easily available ingredients.
Even Maria Treben, who is very famous in the topic of Swedish Bitters wrote about this in her book - she called it the "Little Swedish Bitters".

But if you take a closer look at the prices, you will see that it makes no sense to buy the "Little Swedish Bitters" if you can have the "BIG Swedish Bitters" that contains the same 11 Herbs that "Little Swedish Bitters" have PLUS 11 more HIGHLY EFFECTIVE herbs additionally for nearly the same price!

I'm really convinced that Dr. Samst who created original Swedish Bitters really knew what he was doing when he created it ORIGINAL SWEDISH BITTERS mix with 22 herbs.

Here we are providing some of the leading Swedish Bitters that are available for sale in USA.

Swedish Bitters by Stefan Zwerenz.

Swedish Bitter

22 Supplements: Archangelica, Aloe Barbadensis, Lycopodiaceae, Pimpinella, Carlina acaulis, Veronicae herba, Althaea, Gentian lutea, Acorus calamus, Cinnamonum amphora, Kandis, Viscum album, Commiphora, Jugladaceae, Rhei radix, Carthamus tinctorius, Sennae folium, Ginkgo biloba, Theriaca, Potentilla erecta, Artemisia absinthium, Zedoariae rhizoma.

Volume: Dry Mixture 200g (can make about 33.8 fl oz)

Price: $21.99 - sold by




Swedish Bitters by Flora.

12 Supplements: Angelica root, zedoary root, alSwedish Bitters by Floraoe vera leaf, manna sap, rhubarb root, senna leaf, myrrh resin, carline thistle root camphor wood, valerian root, cinnamon bark, cardamom seed, saffron flower.

Volume: 3.4 fl oz

Price: $9.09 - sold by




Swedish Bitters by Nature Works.

Nature_Works_Swedish_Bitters14 Supplements: Manna Fraxinus ornus, Angelica, Aloe, Senna, Rhubarab, Zedoary, Myrrh, Carline Thistle, Camphor, Black Snakeroot, Valerian, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Saffron.

Volume: 33.8 fl oz

Price: $34.29 - sold by




Swedish Bitters by Home of Maria Treben's Authentic.


12 Supplements: Aloe, Myrrh, Saffron, Senna leaves, Camphor, Rhubarb roots, Manna, Theriac Venetian, Carline Thistle roots, Angelica roots, Zedoary roots.

Volume: Dry Mixture 100g (can make about 33.8 fl oz)

Price: $21.40



Swedish Bitters by Dr. Theiss Naturwaren.


14 Supplements: Aloe leaf, rhubarb root, calamus root, myrrh stem, angelica root, zedoary root, gentian root, carline thistle root, nutmeg seed, camphor, senna leaf, mace aril, cinnamon bark, cardamom fruit

Volume: 16.9 fl oz

Price: $29.50 - sold by



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