Everything you need to know about SWEDISH BITTERS.

Everything you need to know about SWEDISH BITTERS.

Everything you need to know


Swedish Bitters is a mix of herbs that are used to make an ethanolic remedy. In addition to Theriak and camphor, bitter drugs are typical components of the various Swedish Bitters formulas that help fight various diseases; an infusion can be taken for pain or problems in the digestive tract, for the normalization of digestion, helps to cleanse liver and blood and some say it was effective as a treatment for Candida. Can be helpful in the treatment of allergies, skin conditions and some hemorrhoids. Bitters mix has also been used as a mild laxative tonic. Taking tonic mix may help those who suffer with inflammation such as arthritis, swollen joints and sprains. There are also reviews, testimonies and recommendations that this specific tinctures of herbs can clean the body of toxins. In addition, the reception of bitterness helps to cope with the symptoms of some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, heaviness in the stomach, bloating, heartburn, constipation, etc.).

Apart from bittering agents, Swedish Bitters herbs according to Maria Treben mainly contain anthranoid drugs. As most herbal tonics, they are claimed to cure a large variety of ailments and are still being used in a traditional medicine today.

We carry two different Swedish Bitters recipes known on the market today with corresponding manufacturing regulations. Small Swedish Bitters mix that consists of 11 ingredients and Big Swedish Bitters mix that consists of 22 ingredients. Use of Bitters tonic was recommended and widely practiced by Maria Treben (known Austrian healer and writer). Maria’s recommendation was heavily based on the experiences of the German and Eastern European healers.

*****$21.99Click here to buy swedish bitters mix - 22 ingredients, 50oz of remedy.


The Swedish Bitters name, at first seems likely that the ingredients come from the country of Sweden (Swedish), but this is not the case. The name derives from the Swedish physicians Dr. Claus (Klaus) Samst. The elixir is said to be the creation of Swiss physician, Dr. Phillipus Paracelsus, who practiced in the 1500s. However, it wasn’t until the 18th century that it was formally labelled Swedish Bitters by Swedish physicians – Dr. Claus (Klaus) Samst.

The mixture with the different medicinal herbs was already long known in the family of the Swedish health-care professionals, but forgotten.

The physicians, Dr. Claus (Klaus) and Dr. Urban Samst Hjärn found this in the 18 Century, returned and helped many people with different problems and illnesses.

It is believed that the formulation of a similar drug also belongs to the physician Philippus Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim Aureolus (short: Paracelsus), who lived in the 16th Century and suffered much of a criticism from pharmacists and doctors, despite his successes in Herbalism, it was considered as an alternative to traditional medicine.

Dr. Samst died at the age of 104 years in a riding accident. It is said that his ancestors lived a long life and have reached a biblical age.

Swedish bitters have been popularized by the Austrian herbalist Maria Treben that examined Samst’s “old manuscript” which detailed the efficacy of the bitters on over 40 medical conditions. Maria Treben published the recipe of the mixture in her book “Health from God’s Pharmacy“, which remarkably run out of over eight million copies. Her specialty was herbal medicine and alternative treatment methods (for the priest and Hydotherapeut Sebastian Kneipp).



One of the main functions of the Swedish Bitters is to promote secretion of pancreatic and gastric juices and soothe the digestive tract. Tonic stimulates liver functions and promotes secretion of bile from the liver that serves to emulsify or break down dietary fat and clear cholesterol out of our body.  Having a healthy liver will enhance the overall digestion process and prevent bloating and flatulence and ensures a smooth nutrient absorption.


It can be applied as an external agent, or used orally for internal benefits and healing.

Externally Bitters mix is recommended to be used to relieve pain associated with inflammation of the joints, for an earlier healing of wounds, ulcers, and insect bites.

Internally it's recommended to ingest tincture when having issues with the digestive tract, low gastric secretory function of the pancreas, constipation, bloating, biliary dyskinesia and so forth.

You can read more about how Swedish Bitters can be used in more details by clicking on this link. 


Having bitter foods as a part of your daily diet can be very beneficial to your health.  Many studies confirmed that getting a proper amount of bitter flavor foods is a key benefit to your digestive health and many important health benefits. Swedish Bitters contain high level of bitterness and taking it diluted with water, tea or juice regularly can help you to:

  • Fight Sugar cravings
  • Relive Gas and bloating
  • Sooth Occasional heartburn
  • Increase digestive enzymes, bile & HCL production
  • Calm upset stomach and nausea
  • Promote absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K
  • Help maintain healthy blood sugar levels
  • Balance appetite
  • Ease constipation and regulate bowel movements
  • Support liver function and healthy skin
  • Improve biliary, pancreatic and gastric secretion
  • Sooth digestive tract
  • Relieve bloating, flatulence, gas, cramps and nausea
  • Help with toxin elimination
  • Tonify and regenerate digestive tract
  • Acting as a gentle laxative
  • Restore natural acid balance in the stomach
  • Stimulate blood circulation
  • Stimulate liver function
  • Using Swedish Bitters externally will help alleviate inflammations of all kinds if applied to spots, wounds, bruises, scars and contusions

According to the "Old Manuscripts", Swedish herbs help to fight pain and dizziness, smallpox and rashes of all types. Can be used when suffering from toothaches and blisters on the tongue. They also can relieve stomach cramps, colic and help when suffering from constipation. 

*****$14.98click here to buy small swedish bitters - 11 ingredients


Bitters tonic originally was formulated and found by Dr. Samst and consisted of 22 herbs. Some of the herbs are cheap and available the whole year, and some of them are very expensive and difficult to find because of the small crop amount and sometimes inferior quality.

For this reason and to enhance the profits some merchants and pharmacists started to create a product which consists only of about 11 cheaply and easily available ingredients. Even Maria Treben, who is very famous in the topic of Swedish Bitters wrote about this in her book – she called it the “Little Swedish Bitters”.

Be confident when buying our Swedish Bitters, here is why:

  • Only the highest quality ingredients used.
  • Our ingredients are free of pesticides.
  • Thousands of satisfied customers.
  • Only authentic Swedish Bitters imported from Germany.
  • High customer satisfaction rating on Ebay.com, Amazon.com, and Etsy.com
  • In business since 2010
  • Sold and Recommended by Pharmacies
  • Approved by European Herbalists
  • Fast Shipping, Located in California, USA


If you take a closer look at the prices, you will see that it makes no sense to buy the “Little Swedish Bitters” if you can have the “BIG Swedish Bitters” that contains the same 11 Herbs PLUS 11 more HIGHLY EFFECTIVE herbs additionally for nearly the same price!

I’m really convinced that Dr. Samst who created original Bitters Mix really knew what he was doing when he created ORIGINAL SWEDISH BITTERS mix that had 22 herbs.


Bitters Mixes can be manufactured and sold in finished form (mixed with alcohol), or as a mixture of  bagged dry herbs from which the product can be prepared into a balm.

There are mainly two type of Bitters uses on the market, Medical and Aromatic:

Medicinal bitters have combination of herbs that have healing properties, and are used for healing purposes. 

Aromatic bitters are generally used in bars and clubs to add aroma and taste to different alcohol based beverages. 

Click on this link if you want to know more detailed information about different types of Swedish Bitters on the market today and compare prices and ingredients. 


It all depends on what you are looking for. Here are the Pros and Cons of a "Ready to Use" already mixed Swedish Bitters:


  • You don't have to wait, bitters are ready to be used.
  • You don't have to buy anything (alcohol) else to make the mix.
  • You can buy the mix in smaller portions.


  • You have to control of the quality of the herbs used in the mix
  • You cannot use the mix with the alcohol of your choice
  • You will pay a higher price
  • You have no control of the herbs to alcohol proportion in the mix

Benefits of buying Swedish Bitters in a form of dry herbs and do it your self, is that you know and see the herbs quality, you can buy more expensive and better quality alcohol for the mix or make alcohol free Bitters Tea and have more Bitters tonic for your money. 

Click here to see different types of Swedish Bitters on the market today and compare the prices and volume. 


Bitters tonic, as already mentioned, is a mixture of medicinal plants, which create a complex effect on the body and help normalize the functions of the digestive system. It also strengthens the protective functions of the body, boosts your immune system, and reduces pain in various inflammatory diseases. It should be noted that Bitters Mix generally does not cause side effects and is recommended by some experts for regular use. But there are know side effects from the Swedish Bitters. Always consult your doctor about taking Bitters tonic, especially if you are taking any medications. 


Studies of the mixture of herbs used in Swedish Bitters have shown that it stimulates the salivary glands, the stomach, promotes active development of gastric juices and digestive enzymes, increases peristalsis, and cleanses the liver. Furthermore, it was found that the elixir normalizes the nervous system and enhances the immune system.

Bitter herbal mixes were used to treat common health problems in ancient times. There are several Bitters mixes on the market today, that contain from 11 to 22 different herb mixes. Here are most common herbs that are used in Swedish Bitters mix:

Archangelica, Aloe Barbadensis, Lycopodiaceae, Pimpinella, Carlina acaulis, Veronicae herba, Althaea, Gentian lutea, Acorus calamus, Cinnamonum amphora, Kandis, Viscum album, Commiphora, Jugladaceae, Rhei radix, Carthamus tinctorius, Sennae folium, Ginkgo biloba, Theriaca, Potentilla erecta, Artemisia absinthium, Zedoariae rhizoma.

The Theriaca used today in Swedish Bitters mixtures usually contains angelica root, valerian root, cinnamon bark, Zedoariae, cardamom and myrrh still honey, ferrous sulfate and liqueur wine.

Click here to read more detailed information with the pictures about the herbs used in Swedish Bitters mix. 


Some Bitters mixes that are sold, do not carry Kandis (Candy – Sugar) in it’s ingredients. Kandis play a very important role in the ingredient of the Bitters mix because it helps to get the active agents delivered faster into the blood. If you are Diabetic, please exclude Kandis from your Bitters mix. 



Recently, the Bitter balm has gained great popularity due to its unique ability to cleanse the body and restore the work of digestive organs.

There are two known mixtures of Swedish Bitters balm - small and big. The big Bitters mix contains a mixture of 22 herbs / ingredients, while the small Bitters mix contains mixture of  11 to 16 herbs.


Bitters tincture is usually alcohol-based. To prepare Bitters tincture, you will need the proper collection or mix of medicinal plants (can be purchased at the pharmacy or heath stores) and 40% alcohol (vodka, rum and sometimes people use wine).

The infusion should be kept for two weeks in a dark place, stirred regularly or daily, then strained and taken as recommended.


Affects the operation of the digestive and metabolic processes. If taken orally, a complex of effects on the entire digestive tract takes place, mostly dealing with the elimination of toxins.

The root of rhubarb and the senna leaves stimulate the intestinal peristalsis. Aloe promotes the production of enzymes that reduce inflammation and stimulates the appetite. The Calamus root heals wounds, has a bactericidal effect, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Gentian root, cinnamon and saffron are generally taken to improve appetite, help digestion, and stimulate the production of gastric juices and digestive enzymes.


Bitters mixes should not be used by pregnant women. Alcohol used in the balm also could be damaging to the fetus.


Bitters mix should not be used by individuals that have intolerance to some medicinal plants that are part of the infusion, during diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, liver issues, pregnant woman and  children up to 12 years. Swedish Bitters can also have a negative effect on the medications that you might be using.  Always consult your doctor before taking Bitters Mix. 


  • Possible laxative effect.
  • If you have a liver or stomach disease you should avoid alcohol.
  • Taking Bitters Mix before, during and after your Candida Treatment is possible, but do not take Bitters mix for too long. Swedish Bitters contain berberine that is present in Oregon Grape root and Goldenseal. This plant is an alkaloid and can potentially damage your intestinal lining if taken for too long.
  • Depletion of potassium levels, can also be possible side effect that can lead to high blood pressure. However, if bitters is taken in small amounts and for about 2 weeks at a time, this side effect can be avoided.
  • Bitters mix can also cause dehydration especially in children, uterine bleeding and miscarriage in pregnant women. Not recommended for pregnant women, children under 12 and in the case of ulcer.
  • Do not use Bitters Mix if you experience abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, or if you have or develop diarrhea.

Swedish bitters in some cases can cause allergic reactions. You can read more on the side effects from Swedish Bitters by clicking on this link.


Its recommended to take 1 tbsp. of Swedish Bitters elixir twice a day (it is possible to take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day. It may be diluted in a glass of tea, water or juice.

Take Bitters Mix for the course of 14 to 30 days, at which point it is recommended you take a break. Then the course can be repeated if necessary.

For external application, compress from Swedish Bitters should be applied directly on the affected area (its required that before making a compress you lubricate the skin with an oily ointment or oil). On average, the compress should be held for about 3 - 2 hours, the duration of treatment varies by case and individually.


Usually Bitters Mix used in high doses should not cause any adverse reactions. Alcohol poisoning can be an issue if Bitters elixir is mixed with alcohol.

Excessive intake amounts of Bitters mix may trigger the development of allergies, cause nausea or dizziness.


Swedish Bitters can have a negative effect on medications, or enhance the effect of certain drugs, so it is recommended to take the medicine 30-60 minutes before Bitters mix intake. Always consult with your doctor, especially if you are regularly  using other medicine.


Bitters Mix should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature not higher than 25 Celsius - 80 Fahrenheit . Should be kept away from children. Shelf life is up to 3 years, but some say the longer it stays the better it gets. 


Doses of Bitters Mix intake amounts should be used depending on the disease and it's severity. When experiencing heartburn, bloating, constipation, lethargy, or apathy, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp of tincture 3 times a day before meals. This tincture can be dissolved in a glass of juice, tea or water.

The average course of treatment is 2-3 months, after which the body begins to actively remove toxins and so forth.

It can also be used for external skin treatment with ulcers, acne, wounds, and can even be used for rinsing the mouth. Swedish Bitters can be used as compress to reduce pain in the joints, arthritis, and rheumatism.


Bitters mix contains a collection of  the following 22 medicinal plants is called "Big Swedish Bitters" mix: 

Archangelica, Aloe Barbadensis, Lycopodiaceae, Pimpinella, Carlina acaulis, Veronicae herba, Althaea, Gentian lutea, Acorus calamus, Cinnamonum amphora, Kandis, Viscum album, Commiphora, Jugladaceae, Rhei radix, Carthamus tinctorius, Sennae folium, Ginkgo biloba, Theriaca, Potentilla erecta, Artemisia absinthium, Zedoariae rhizoma.


There are number of different names used for Swedish Bitters. Here are some of the names used:

  • The Long Life Elixir
  • Swedish Bitters
  • Bitter Tea
  • Schwedenbitter
  • Tea Kräuterbitter
  • Kräuterbitter


Bitters Mixes don't have a "poor" taste - it has a very bitter taste. If the taste of the Bitters Mix is to bitter, you can mix it with a tea, juice or water. When deluded with tea or juice, it has a taste of herbs used in the mix. Some reported that the bitterness of the Swedish Bitters is to strong, some say that they love the taste and even add Bitters tonic to the tea just for the better taste. Different Bitters Mixes are also added to some alcoholic drinks to improve the taste. But the main function of the "medicinal" Swedish Bitters mix  is not to have pleasant or unpleasant taste - main function of the Swedish Bitters is to heal the body and improve our wellbeing. 


Generally speaking Bitters Mix is not there for the weight loss, and most of the reviews from people that use Bitters Mix are not about weight loss. I am sure having a great diet and exercise will be most beneficial for the weight loss. But taking Bitters Mix can be beneficial  to your weight loss because it improves digestion and with better digestion, your body will be able to work faster and more efficiently; which will be very helpful for your weight loss.

You can read more about how Swedish Bitters can benefit your weight loss by clicking on this link. 

There is no clinical research that is linking Swedish Bitters to fat reduction or weight management.


Swedish Bitters is considered to be a universal remedy for many diseases. The structure of the 22 ingredients/herbs also know as "BIG SWEDISH BITTERS" includes dry grass, herbs, roots candies and oils. This dry ingredient mixture of about 210 grams - 7.4 ounces can make approximately 1.5 liters - 17 fluid ounces of prepared Swedish Bitters elixir.

Big Swedish Bitters Combo

To prepare the alcohol-based Bitters Mix,  pour the packs with herbs into a glass jar and pour the vodka over it. Store the mix for 14 - 20 days in a dark place and stir daily. After 14 - 20 days Bitters Mix is ready to be used.

Watch a video with detailed instructions on now to make Swedish Bitters mix from dry herbs:


The SWEDISH BITTERS by Maria Treben can be used internally as well as externally.

Using the balm helps relieve rheumatic pains, improves overall health, enhances blood flow to the affected area, and cleanses the body and normalizes the urinary system.

It is usually recommended to take 1 - 2 tsp of Swedish Bitters per day.


The Bitters Mix recipe produced by Dr. Theiss comes as already prepared and ready to use elixir and can also be used internally as well as externally.   Tincture contains bitter substances that are important for the body to function properly. It helps the digestive system to re-establish the function of all organs.

This infusion is recommended to be taken when having problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the digestive system, and various rheumatisms.

Swedish Bitters can be used externally as a compress when experiencing rheumatic pains, wounds, ulcers, or insect bites.


When being used for prevention, take 1 tablespoon twice a day. The infusion may be diluted in tea or water.

When being used for the treatment of diseases, it is recommended to take 2-3 tablespoons a day. If the tincture is diluted in water or herbal tea, it should be divided into two stages of consumption - half a glass before a meal, and half a glass after a meal.

The infusion can be used externally as a compress on areas of swelling, pain and wounds.

*****$21.99great swedish bitters - 22 ingredients


Swedish Bitters have a lot of positive feedback; and there’s a big reason why. After the Swedish Bitters recipe was formed and found, it became increasingly popular due to the help it provided with significant health improvement, reducing pain, reducing inflammation and so on. According to the reviews, the medicine helps heal wounds, ulcers, reduce tooth aches, reduce headaches, reduce pain in the ears, reduce pain in the joints, normalizing menstrual cycles, reducing hemorrhoids, etc.

Swedish Bitters contains alcohol, therefore the infusion is not recommended for patients suffering from epilepsy or brain damage.

Click here to read more reviews for the Swedish Bitters that we sell on our website at the bottom of the page.


Swedish Bitters are suitable for consumption for up to 36 months from the date of preparation. It's recommended that the balm is stored in a cool place for up to 3 years. 

Published by WellbeingHerbs

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